My Spiritual Memoir
Dancing on the Moon: The Non-Ordinary Life I Never Saw Coming
Dancing on the Moon: The Non-Ordinary Life I Never Saw Coming
Turn slowly toward what leaves you silent
Hold fast to what makes you breathless
Stand empty
Longing's sweet fragrance will soothe your skin
even as Love's fire consumes you
Stand still
and Dance
To read Preface, Endorsements and to Order, See "Books" Under "Author Page"
Hold fast to what makes you breathless
Stand empty
Longing's sweet fragrance will soothe your skin
even as Love's fire consumes you
Stand still
and Dance
To read Preface, Endorsements and to Order, See "Books" Under "Author Page"
My Work
Author The Call of the Mourning Dove How Sacred Sound Awakens Mystical Unity (See Books page for award information) Lovers in the Wilderness Awaken Mystical Unity and Create a Joyful Life with Mantra Prayer An Ordinary Life Transformed Lessons for Everyone from the Bhagavad Gita Living the Prayer of Jesus A Study of the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic The Interfaith Worship Manual The Resource for Creating Interfaith Worship Services To learn more, see the "Books" page! Retreat Leader (Sampling) Haden Institute Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference (2x) World AWAKE, Inc. International Conference (2x) Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Center (See page) House of Prayer, New Ipswich, NH. Spiritual Mentor (See page) Sacred Studies Teacher Sample Programs: Contact me if you'd like to have any of my programs presented to your community!
Walter Russell, Mother Mary, Dr. George Washington Carver The Great Books Series: Peace Pilgrim, Hinds' Feet on High Places, The Legend of Bagger Vance |